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Alchemy Health
Oct 16, 20201 min read
If you're not using direct primary care, what are you waiting for?
Here's a tremendous example on the impact our cooperative care network will have on Alchemy Health plan member experience and costs -...

Think Health Consulting
Aug 20, 20201 min read
Pushing Primary Care to the Brink
Shortages, pay cuts, furloughs, the list goes on. Primary Care docs have been pushed to the edge and COVID-19 just might be the tipping...

Think Health Consulting
Aug 14, 20201 min read
What if we were all in ONE healthcare silo?
Can healthcare be just like Forest and Jenny? You know... Like peas and carrots? Sure it can! How so? A health plan that embraces all the...

Think Health Consulting
Aug 11, 20201 min read
VC is looking at you differently...
If you are a small business or startup looking to raise capital, you need to understand how your total rewards program (compensation and...
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